The following core tutorials are designed to address common dermatological themes. Written by Dr Brian Malcolm*, individual chapters cover the practical aspects of diagnosis, treatment and indications for referrals. Scroll down to see the full list of chapters.
(Updated PDP 2023)
A supplement is available which discusses the cutaneous manifestations of systemic disease.
A diagnosis prequel (2012) is available which describes a systematic approach to diagnosing dermatological conditions.
Also available is a Core Tutorial entitled 'Tests and Techniques - Which, when and why?'
Alternatively, you can contact the Marketing Department at Dermal Laboratories on 01462 458866 if you prefer to receive a printed copy. These are provided as a free service to the medical profession and are available whilst stocks last.
*Dr Brian Malcolm is a Former GP Principal, Community Dermatologist and Associate Specialist, North Devon, Exeter and Dorset.
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