Dermal has developed an extensive range of educational resources to assist patients and healthcare professionals.
Dry skin conditions can be time consuming to manage and many patients find it difficult to comply with good skin care routines. Understanding the importance of emollients and how emollients can care for sensitive skin can play an important role in helping patients to manage their condition. is designed to provide further information on Adex Gel and dry skin conditions prone to inflammation for healthcare professionals and patients.
Visit to see the patient leaflet ‘Hair Washing Techniques’, and to find out more about Dermax.
In this learning video, Dr Brian Malcolm discusses the role of Staphylococcus aureus in atopic eczema, explaining the ‘vicious circle’ and itch-scratch cycle that can develop with Staphylococcus aureus colonisation, and highlights the role of antimicrobial emollients in managing the condition.
Further information about the Dermol range of antimicrobial emollients and clinical information relating to atopic eczema and dermatitis, skin cleansing, helping to repair compromised skin and preventing secondary infection. is designed to assist healthcare professionals and patients, by providing access to a range of information to help manage dry skin conditions and get the most out of emollients.
Short, snappy and fun animation showing patients how to use emollients to get the best therapeutic results.
Short, snappy and fun animation showing patients how to use bath emollients to get the best therapeutic results.
Short, snappy and fun animation showing patients how to use soap substitutes to get the best therapeutic results.
Visit to find out more about EmolliZoo, a free educational app to help children and families manage eczema.
The following patient advice leaflets are also available to view and print:
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You can contact Dermal on 01462 458866 if you prefer to receive a printed copy (available whilst stocks last).
These core tutorials are designed to address common dermatological themes.